Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Suka - suki sebab xde modal.....hahahha bole?? Erm betol ker kuteks kuku brand INGLOT HALAL?? wallahualam...........bila google2 ade yg mengatakan produk nie HALAL coz air boleh menembusi permukaan kuku...bila berwuduk dan kira nyer sah di bawa solat..........

Kater mereka ---->>>>>
So those who love the idea of nail polish either wear it during the menstrual period (at which time they are prohibited from praying), or opt to use henna instead.
However, Inglot cosmetics might change all that; the Polish brand has formulated a line of nail polish that supposedly allows water to penetrate the nail polish through a ‘breathable’ formula known as the O2M nail polish line.  A scholar from Southern California, Mustafa Umar, conducted an experiment by using a sample of dried nail polish on a coffee filter and a drop of water and concluded that the O2M brand specifically, was sufficient forwudu – which undoubtedly caused sales of Inglot’s breathable nail polish to skyrocket and fly off the shelves.
However, growing up with this notion that something is not allowed in your religion, to now accepting that it could possibly be OK to use nail polish would naturally cause some concerns, doubts, and confusion to many.
According to Inglot, they have plans to look into other products for Muslims, which include alcohol-free fragrance and additions to their Freedom System Palettes. 

 Persoalan nyerr............ adakah produk ni disahkan halal oleh HALAL MALAYSIA...apepon saya sudah search di portal mereka..produk nie xde dlm senarai........x puas ati saya emel plak soalan pasal mende tunggu dorang reply jeler............

 HALAL bermaksud dibenar dan tidak dilarang oleh Allah. Ia bukan sahaja berkait dengan makanan dan minuman, tetapi juga berkait dengan pakaian, alat-alat perhiasan, kosmetik dan sebagainya. Namun penggunaan istilah HALAL paling kerap digunakan pada makanan dan minuman.

Riwayat dari Rasulullah s.a.w. yang menegaskan;
“Menuntut (mencari) yang HALAL adalah wajib ke atas setiap orang Islam”.(Riwayat Imam ad-Dailami dalam Musnad al-Firdaus dari Anas r.a.. Menurut Imam as-Suyuti, hadis ini darjatnya hasan. Lihat; al-Jami’ as-Saghier, hadis no. 5270).

 “Mencari yang HALAL adalah satu jihad”.
(Riwayat Imam al-Qadha’ie dari Ibnu ‘Abbas r.a. dan Ibnu Nu’aim dari Ibnu ‘Umar. Menurut Imam as-Suyuti, hadis ini dhaif. Lihat; al-Jami’ as-Saghier, hadis no. 5273)

 Boleh rujuk link nie..........


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